Anti virus for Virtual Machines -

A lot of times this question has been asked, is there such a thing as an anti-virus for virtual machines, not at. 

8 years ago | 0
What is VMWare vSphere Storage Appliance or VSA -

VMWare vSphere Storage Appliance is a new offering from VMWare starting with its Datacenter grade virtualization. 

13 years ago | 0
How to run HyperV in a virtual machine -

If you are wanting to learn virtualization, you most probably will need a small virtualization lab set up. In most. 

13 years ago | 0

The Importance of Instagram Likes

By admin | On Friday, October 4th, 2024 - No Comments »

Instagram likes are more than just a vanity metric; they play a pivotal role in content visibility, engagement, and overall social media success. Here’s an in-depth look at why likes matter: Boosts Content Visibility: Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes posts with higher engagement, including likes, making it more likely that your content will appear in the Explore tab. 

Anti virus for Virtual Machines

By admin | On Tuesday, July 5th, 2016 - No Comments »
Anti Virus For Virtual Machines

A lot of times this question has been asked, is there such a thing as an anti-virus for virtual machines, not at the operating system level but at a virtual infrastructure level. For example, an antivirus ‘server’ that could monitor all activity in your VMs, independent of their operating systems (Windows, Linux, Unix). A central engine or vm that could scan all your IP ranges. 

Fixed size virtual hard disk compared to dynamically expanding

By admin | On Wednesday, February 29th, 2012 - No Comments »
Virtual Hard Disks

When most administrators create a virtual machine, one consideration they have to give other than the size of the hard disk is weather they want to have the virtual disk to be fixed size or dynamically expanding. In this article we will examine the characterstics of both fixed and dynamically expanding virtual disks, note that what kind of virtualization platform such as VMWare, Hyper-V,. 

Use Microsoft Customer Assessment Tool for Private Cloud

By admin | On Tuesday, February 28th, 2012 - No Comments »
Microsoft Private Cloud Assessment Tool

If you are just making a move to virtualizing your infrastructure or new to virtualization technologies, you might want to give Microsoft Assesment Tool for Private Cloud a try. The assesment tool for private cloud asks you a few questions about your current IT infrastructure, virtulization capabilties in place already, service level agreements if any etc.. Once the tool completes its assessment,.