What are cloud computing offerings from VMWare vCloud product line

By admin | On Tuesday, February 21st, 2012 - No Comments »
What are cloud computing offerings from VMWare vCloud product line

In our earlier article we dicussed  about the main features and components of VMWare vSPhere 5, VMWare’s main virtualization suite for datacenter line of products.  In this article we will briefly discuss the main Cloud Computing offerings that VMWare offers. When an enterprise uses these products from VMWare, they can offer virtual infrastructure models including the private. 

Learn Virtualization With Microsoft Virtual Hard Disk Test Program

By admin | On Monday, February 20th, 2012 - No Comments »
Learn Virtualization with Microsoft VHD Test Program

We all know the advantages provided to us by a virtualization infrastructure today. Microsoft’s Virtual Hard Disk (.VHD) format provides a way to make virtual machine hard drives portable and provides administrators an easy way to test an application or an operating system quickly without spending too much time to configure the operating system or the application.  According to Microsoft, The. 

What is the difference between private and public cloud

By admin | On Sunday, February 19th, 2012 - No Comments »
Whats the difference between Private Public and Hybrid Cloud

There is a lot of talk of the next level virtualization being taken to the “cloud”. There are essentially three kinds of virtualization cloud infrastructure available, they are predominantly private and public clouds and recently a Hybrid cloud, which is a fusion of private and public cloud. In this article we will explain what is the difference between private and public cloud.. 

What is the difference between Microsoft’s free Hyper-V server and paid version

By admin | On Saturday, February 18th, 2012 - 1 Comment »

As we all know, Microsoft has made available its Hypervisor called Hyper-V made available for free to end users, also starting with Windows Server 2008 R2 Sp1, Hyper-V is made available within the operating system by itself. In order to understand the difference between Microsoft’s free Hyper-V server and the paid version, we must understand the different flavours of Microsoft Hyper-V. 

Terminology used for various vSphere 5 features

By admin | On Friday, February 17th, 2012 - 2 Comments »
VMWare vSphere5 Features Terminology

vSphere 5 is the latest offering from VMWare in its datacenter virtualization line of products. There have been few major changes, such as there is no longer an ESX server. ESXi  is the new baremetal hypervisor used in the vSphere suite.  What used to be called ESXi free server is now called  vSphere free Hypervisor. ESXi is essentially the new ESX server but a thinner version of ESX with.