Big companies form Open Source Virtualization Alliance to down VMWare

By admin | On Monday, January 30th, 2012 - No Comments »
Open Virtualization Allaince

VMware has long been a leader in Virtualization market. In an ever growing Virtualization market, the three main players have been VMWare, Microsoft (Hyper-v) and Citrix. There are a lot of other vendors for Virtualization solutions such as IBM, RedHat, HP and Intel. VMware has got most of the market share with 59% followed closely behind with Microsoft with 53% and Citrix with. 

How to convert physical machines to virtual for free

By admin | On Friday, January 27th, 2012 - 1 Comment »
Convert Physical Machines to Virtual for free

Converting a physical machine to a virtual machine is one of the first steps you tend to do once you have your virtualization environment all set up. Physical to Virtual or P2V conversions can be performed in number of different ways. In this article we are going to explain how you can use VMWare’s free tool called VMWare vCenter Converter to convert a physical machine to a virtual. 

A great resource if you want to learn VMWare Virtualization

By admin | On Tuesday, January 24th, 2012 - No Comments »
VMware Virtualization Education Resource

If you are like me, you are always wanting to know about Virtualization technologies out there. VMWare as you know is a big player in Virtualization and holds the biggest market share of all in all areas, including storage, desktop, server and network virtualization. If you are a beginner or even an expert at virtualization and wanting to know more about functioning and setting up of VMWare. 

How to turn an old computer into a modern computing device using the Cloud

By admin | On Thursday, January 19th, 2012 - No Comments »
Joli OS Cloud Desktop

How many times have you come across a desktop or a laptop that you think have become old and you are double minded what to do with it ? Junk it or use it  or give it to a charity ? Well, with all the innovation today in Virtualization and Cloud based apps, we are going to show you how you can turn your old computer into a modern computing device that runs great and serves your purpose. When. 

What are main application virtualization software suites

By admin | On Tuesday, September 13th, 2011 - No Comments »
Main Application Virtualization Software

Application Virtualization is a virtualization technology which lets you “prepare and isolate” an application so it can run on its own, without writing any files or registry entries to the underlying operating system. Application virtualization is different from Server Virtualization or Desktop Virtualization. A virtualized application is typically a single executable whose purpose.